16 Things I learned in 2016
Hey everyone! Just a good Olde Fashion Blog Post today. As I write this it is 11:02pm on December 31st 2016, New Years Eve. In some parts of the world it's already 2017, I'm excited yet terrified. I've been though a lot this year, some good, some bad, and some surprising. So I wanted to do a 16 Things I Learned in 2016 like you do on your birthday. Being a Pagan my New Year started in October but with the Gregorian calendar turning the majority of the World starts over today. So I don't have any resolutions but I do have some aspirations. Anyway.... I learned that, Fear is nothing to be afraid of. You can be fat and pretty. Leggings are indeed pants. My beauty is unique. Big girls get the charming prince too. The number on the scale does not define who I am as a person. I am not a morning person. I have a thing for guys with nice hands. One dog is more then enough. Chipotle peppers are everything. If you want it you have to ask for it. He'...