It's been a Hot Minute


Well how the hell are ya'll?

It's been a hot gosh darn minute since I've been able to blog and oh man have I missed it! So much has happened and it's all got me topsy turvy!

Where to start?

Picture found on Pinterest

How about with the biggest change. As you may or may not know I am a professional dog groomer, I've been grooming since 2004 from my home. Back in November I was having a hard time with my job, my relationships and just life in general. So before my birthday I told myself to make a choice. I either quit grooming, get a 'real' job, take the money I've been saving, and move to another state; or open my own, larger shop downtown that I've been dreaming about for the past 10 years. After a bottle of wine, a good nights sleep in a haunted house and a phone call later I moved my shop downtown.

It is one of the scariest things I have ever done yet one of things I've always wanted to do.

I've only been open since April 1st at the new place but I've been on the go since March 16th trying to get all the T's crossed and I's dotted. I've never done something so....grand before. All of my eggs are in this basket and one by one I hope and pray they all hatch. I've given my self 6 months to make sure this pans out and if not.....then I don't know and that fucking scares me. So if you could send a good thought or two my way I would truly appreciate it.

Lots of other smaller things like cleaning out my old grooming room and moving all things around. Working away from home has actually given me more time to read, going to the gym 5 days a week, running around with kids and trying to get them where they need to be. 

Life, it's all moving very quickly and the weekends seam to fly by now.

I have done some more grown up things like by new tires for my car, went out and watch a live band and interacted with other humans. Been re watching some of my series DVD's lie Sex and The City and True Blood.


I have so many idea for videos and blog post, once I get my life in order I'll be able to make regular content again!

Ta for now,


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