I Used To Groom Dogs

Hey Everyone!

So as you may or may not know I am an avid animal lover but my personal faves are dogs. I've loved dogs for as long as I can remember. I wanted stuffed puppies before ever wanting a baby doll to play with and The Littlest Pet Shop was the shit.

I was in 4-H for 5 years with dogs, even briefly trained dogs. Dog shows are my sporting events of choice. I rescued dogs for many years but purebreds will always have my heart. I started grooming dogs in 2004 when I was 18. I loved it, getting to be around dogs all day meeting new breeds and making the dogs (and owners) feel good.

In April of 2016 I was able to move my little home run shop into a rental space in the heart of downtown. I was so excited. I though this is it. I'm doing the thing I've always wanted to do. But it seams that happiness for me is only a fleeting notion because my body can no longer cope with the demands of my job.

Long story, an MRI and a couple of months of physical therapy, short I groomed my last dog today.

I....failed. Hard.

Today is a day I did not think was going to happen for a very, very long time. I knew one day my body would give out but I thought it would be my hands or wrists not my shoulders, back and legs. I broke down crying yesterday on my last dogs of the day because I couldn't lift my right arm. The dogs I did that afternoon were not my best, I tossed and turned all night trying to sleep but no matter how I laid something ached.

Today I groomed three Yorkies, a Maltipoo, and a Cocker Spaniel. I cried taking the last dog back to it's disabled owner and cried even more on the way home because I had to tell her I could no longer groom her dog.

I'm crying as I type this lol

I've been a dog groomer for 12 years. It's part of who I am, it's all I've ever known.

I am so thankful to the owners who trusted me to care for their dogs. To the grooming community, and fellow groomers I've met over the years. It's been an interesting and fulfilling ride.

2016 has been the year of change for me. I'm no longer Kayla the Dog Groomer, that part of my life is closing and I'm ready to start living the next part. I have a new plan and a few well placed resumes.

Ta for now,
Kayla the Former Dog Groomer.


  1. So sorry to hear .... I know you loved what you did. Remember .....when one door closes another opens ...... the best to you in the coming New Year!

  2. Okay second comment..... How about photographing dogs as pets and offer to pet parents? You seem to have quite a photographers "eye"... ????? Best always in what ever you do ...

    1. Thank you. I have been thinking quite a bit about pet photography. There's a place in town I want to take my big Standard Poodle to take some photos. No better time to try new things then now right? I miss y'all, maybe one day soon we will get Gran over there and we can all get together this time.


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