One of my favorite things about Spring/Summer is Yard Sales! I like having them and spending a morning going around town to all of the different ones. There is a town about 30 minutes away from here that has a city wide yard sale once a month in the summer. I'm going to have to take a day trip next time they have it.
I'm not sure what they are called in other parts of the world or if they are even a thing but here in the US in the Spring time during "Spring Cleaning" all of the things that you no longer use/want you re-sale them on a weekend morning. You set up on your front lawn/yard, put up signs and wait for people to come by and buy your unwanted stuff! Some people call them a Rummage Sale or Garage Sale. Most cities require you to by a "Yard Sale" permit and in my town you are limited to hosting one sale every 6 weeks. It's a fun way to get out, meet your neighbors and buy some second hand stuff for cheap!
On my most recent Yard Sailing trip I went with my Mother, three of my nieces and my nephew. The girls made out like bandits and the rest of us got a few things.
Okay now here is what I bought!
This super cute pink striped Cardigan. |
This pretty little Kathy Van Zeeland handbag. I though it would be perfect for the summer. |
These three movies. Priest, Cursed and It's Complicated. Three of my faves added to my collection <3 |
This friggen adorable Poodle wine bottle cover. I about died when I saw it. It's perfect! |
This iron candle holder. It's suppose to be hung but for now it sits nicely on my shelf. |
So yeah, not a bad way to spend a Saturday morning and finding some things you never even knew you needed!
Ta for now,
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