"Pet Parent"

"I'm not his fucking parent"

I shared a picture on my personal facebook wall that said "Share if you're the proud parent of a rescued animal." I shared it with out another thought. When my *friend made the above (paraphrased) comment I was slightly confused and had to re-read the picture I shared. I even thought about what she said all that day, into the night and even woke up at 3am thinking about her comment. I wasn't offended by her comment, at all, I was mostly curious about this anti-pet parent movement that seams to be happening. I've heard/read it several other times and read a few blog posts about it as well. As an animal lover I thought I would share my opinion on the mantle of "Pet Parent"

I don't mind it. At all. I am, buy law, my animals owner. In my heart they are my children. I don't have human children, I will never have human children. I don't like kids and would prefer to spend my life with my animals.

Do I call my male dog Son? Yes. (Also his name is Sonny)

Do I dress them up in cute outfits? No.

Do I refer to myself as their Mommy? No.

Do I provide them with the best care I can afford? Yes.

I share my life with my animals. I go to work and make money so I can provide for my animals. I like spending time with my animals. They are my pets and I am their caretaker.

The term "Pet Parent" seams to be a marketing attempt to get people to spend more money on their pets. I don't exactly see the down side to this. If it will help someone feed their dog a higher quality food or get them groomed on a regular basis, take them to more "play dates" at the park or taking them to training classes I see no down side.

On the flip side I do see how treating a dog/cat like a human or humanizing them is detrimental to the animals well being.

I feel that we (educated animal lover) should be taking advantage of the "Pet Parent" movement to educate people on responsibility. From choosing the right breeder or rescue group to informing them on the right times to spay or neuter (if at all). Proper vaccinations and teeter testing. Advanced training and breed information.

Be your pets owner, parent, guardian, caretaker, provider, or whatever, it shouldn't matter as long as your pets are healthy and they make you happy.

*My friend is an awesome woman who I thank for setting in motion my curiosity. Thank you to all my dog/cat friends who provide much needed incite to the different sides of living with pets.

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