2014? The New Year Is Upon Us!

Wow, it's been another 365 days! I have spent the last 30 days away from home and my beloved internet. I spent Christmas and New Years Eve house/dog sitting. It was a kinda nice stay-cation. I got to sleep in, watch The Dog Whisperer and Dogtown on NatGeoWild. The LOGO channel and lots of movies! Being without the internet was slightly cathartic. I also was without my DVR and had to spend a few days catching up on all my Shows. I did have Social Media to keep me updated on the World but anyway this is kinda rambly and weird lol. Moving on then!

Christmas was stressful yet enjoyable this year. It was the first year in 3 years my younger brother was with us and the first year in 10 years we did not do Secret Santa. I was pleasantly surprised by the gifts that I received. I was totally not expecting anything and everything I got was perfect. I guess my family knows me more then I thought the did. My Mother and Gran gave me a Vera Bradly purse, some snicker-doodle coffee and $50 in one dollar bills. My Sister and Brother-In-Law gave me The Hobbit on DVD and the book. My Uncle gave me a Stevie Nicks poster. I wanted to get pictures of everything but it has been slightly chaotic around here since I got back. Once I get the picture hung I'll do a post about it.

New Year Eve was spent watching The Little Mermaid with my two youngest Nieces. I have come up with a few resolution type of things, I was only able to keep one of my New Years aspirations
for 2013 and that was to not cut my hair. I've changed a little bit in 2013, after the stressful and crazy year that 2012 was. The past 365 days I've found out who I am and on my way to being the best me I can be! Some of the best things on 2013 were expanding my love for makeup and really learning to apply it! Finding all of the awesome people on YouTube who have inspired me to be proud of who I am and what I stand for and to share my passions.

So, for my 2014 Aspirations, I have a few.

  • Continue to grow my hair long.
  • Ware more of the cute hats, shirts and jewelry that I have.
  • No soda.
  • Be slightly more out going.
It's not much but I think these things I can stick to. 

Here's to an awesome 2014!
Ta for now,

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