No Wi-Fi?!

That's right. I have spent 4 days with no Wi-Fi. You may be thinking: Why would anyone do this? Well I'll tell you. I have been house sitting for a family friend while she is away having surgery. I have to say the first night was the hardest lol it's crazy to think about how attached we (I) are to our social media and the internet. I kept myself busy watching the Eighth Season of Supernatural and re-runs of The Dog Whisperer but it the back of my mind I kept thinking "I need to check my email, or see who put out new videos this week on YouTube."

I don't have a "smart" phone so I was basically cut of from the internet. Now that I have some Wi-Fi here at my Sisters house I feel like I have missed so much! It's a weird feeling, like being an addict. You know you want to but you can't, you think well, maybe I could go to the library or borrow some from someone.

By the third day I was almost over the withdrawals....until I realized I could take my laptop with me to my sisters for the day and use her internet! It was like I was getting a treat to be able to get online and check in with Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Pinterest. So many things to scroll through and to catch up on. It was a little over whelming to think that I would get such a rush from Social Media but I guess that's the point. Is it not?

We have become so attached to this virtual world that when we don't have continual contact we feel like a piece of us is missing. Sure we can take a step back from the smart phones and power down our laptops and tablets but when it's really out of our reach we can get a little.....manic.

So my lesson of the week and advice for the day is. Take a weekend off from the internet. Go do something besides checking the news feed or endlessly scrolling Pinterest for a couple of days. Recharge our own batteries. Cool down and reboot.

Ta for now,

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