25 Random Facts About Me

  1. One of my favorite things to eat is Brussels Sprouts.
  2. I clean when I am angry or upset.
  3. I LOVE BBQ sauce.
  4. I rarely listen to the radio but I love music and like to get up early to watch MTV/VH1/FUSE music videos.
  5. I like all movies but don't really care for the "Saw" type.
  6. I love cheese. All kinds of cheeses. On everything.
  7. I enjoy the Paranormal. From Ghosts to Crypto but the thought of Aliens freaks me out.
  8. I prefer to watch TV in the dark.
  9. My favorite TV show off all time is Supernatural.
  10. I enjoy makeup and would ware it everyday if I could.
  11. If I can, I will take a nap in the after noon and sleep in late.
  12. I prefer salty snacks over sweet.
  13. I like to eat cake cold.
  14. I drink coffee all day long. Even in Summer.
  15. I tend to judge people on the shoes that whey ware.
  16. I can purr like a cat.
  17. My day dreams are usually about me singing in front of a crowd yet I have stage fright.
  18. I love long fingernails on women.
  19. I am obsessed with candles. I have hundreds of them and have to actively stop myself from buying them.
  20. I do not play video games.
  21. I can not sleep on my back or in a chair/lounge/recliner.
  22. I love Halloween/Autumn/Winter.
  23. I did not get my drivers license until I was 21.
I only did 23 because I'm not that interesting.....so here's a picture of my kitty Crowley <3

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