Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Frost

Happy Thanksgiving! Or rather the day after as it's Friday but yesterday was spent cooking, eating and playing games with the family. It was actually are pretty darn good day for our clan. No ones feelings got hurt, we all ate everything and we had a blast playing Bunco, cards and Trivia. In our house family fun nights happened often and still to this day, we go to my Sisters house to have dinner and play games. All 10 of us sit around the table sharing a meal and talking then we have fun with a board game or cards. Not many families do this nowadays and I'm thankful that my Mom and Gran did this with us and we can teach my Sisters kids how to have fun with their family. It'll be really interesting when they have grown and have families of their own and we all come together for Thanksgiving.

Black Friday is a strange thing. Do they have things like this in other countries? Probably not. Only in American can you stand in line for hours to fight over a big screen TV. I naturally stay away from crowds so I was not about to risk life and limb to save a few bucks on crap I really didn't need. Instead I got a good nights sleep and only had a slight food hangover this morning; then went out and got the few things I wanted. I bought a dog bed (of course) eight movies and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Seasons of The Vampire Diaries. Plus Lady Gagas ARTPOP album. I'm so excited to watch all the things and rock out to Gaga. Yay!

Everything was frozen this morning and it FINALLY feels like Winter. I am loving it! Blankets and beanies and cute jackets abound. Now to get all wrapped up to brave the cold and head to the movies to watch Frozen!

I hope everyone out there is having a wonderful Holiday weekend and to brace your selves. Christmas in coming!

Ta for now,

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