YouTube, The VMA's and More Blogging!

First off I am obsessed with YouTube! I know I'm way late to this party but I never knew how wonderful it could be. I'd watch a few things on it sure, who hasn't? But I never really got it until I changed my email address to a gmail account. At first I was just watching music videos and then dog grooming videos but then I found makeup tutorials! I started by watching hours of the pixiwoo sisters. I had no idea how fun makeup could be or that I can do fun makeup on myself but with the help of them, Lauran Curtis, Goldie Starling, Emma Pickles and many other videos I have a new found love of makeup and of YouTube. Now it has progressed to Olan Rogers <3 ASMR videos, Tyler Okley, Jim Chatman, Crabsticks, Bunny and the Swamp family and 60+ other channel subscriptions.

I love it.

I really do. So much so that I thought about making videos. I even filmed a few.....but quickly realized I have a face for radio. Also that I have no life. One needs a life to talk about and I don't have that. I guess that could be what I could talk about. Being a lonely loner and why it's funny but really, who would want to watch me talk about nothing? I guess you lovely people out there who read my ramblings on this blog. So maybe one day I'll get up the never to post a video. So until then I'll keep filming myself and practice with editing and all that jazz.

Secondly this Sunday was the MTV Video Music Awards. I rarely watch these things as it's just a bunch of bullshit but sometimes, depending on who is performing I'll DVR it so I can skip all of the bat shit crazy crap and watch the good stuff.

So....I could talk about all that was bad but like I said I skipped most of that so lets get on to the fun stuff! It should have been called The Justin Timberlake Show because damn, he was good. So good I got chill bumps. The mini N*SYNC reunion was awesome, the dancing, the singing all of it. Pure love. I also enjoyed Bruno Mars. I was unaware of how great he is. Yeah I've heard a few of his songs and enjoyed them but the song he preformed that night made me want to go buy his album. Jimmy Fallon did great presenting as did Joesph Gordon-Levitt.

Lastly, I'll be adding more ramdomness more often. I had made a list of all the shit I could talk about in a video but thought it would be just as fun to blog about it! Maybe even make little vids and post them here.

Anyhooo ta for now,

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