Summer Time, Kids and Quarter Life Crisis?

Wow time sure does fly when your having fun.....or rather when you're so busy you forget things like blogging.

Summer is upon us and it's hot, that's usually what happens in the summer and surprisingly it hasn't been melt your face off hot in the South just yet. But tis only August, we still have a month for it to turn blazing.

I didn't plant a garden this year....again. I had every intention but every time I thought today is the day I would start adding up in my head how much things would cost and what I would need and I would go crazy with a list and thirty minutes later I would decide lets wait for tomorrow. As the procrastinator in me took over tomorrow never came so maybe next summer. I did however get to eat some fresh veggies. Some friends and family shared their harvest with us.

Kids. Most of you know my dislike of children and that my half sister has 4 kids. Well this year they all played base/soft/T ball. So I was volunteered to shuttle around kids to practice and games. I also went to watch my favorite play in the district tournament and win. So I guess I'm a proud Aunt but I'll also be so relieved when it's over! Sheesh. I am not sports inclined and add children in that mix I was ready for it to be over before it even started. Also would like to say that just because I don't have kids does not mean I have nothing to do or that I do nothing. One last thing: if I don't want to swing by and pick them up or drop them off it's not because I'm busy it's because I. Don't. Want. To.

Can you have a quarter life crisis? I think that's what I'm going though at the moment or really I guess it could just be I'm acting on my true self. I think I've reached that point in my life where I'm a real adult and I can do what I want, ware what I want and go where I want. Wow. I'm an adult. It's an odd realization for me, I've always felt like an adult but now other people see me as an adult and treat me like an adult. And now that doesn't even sound like a real word lol

So now I'm going to the movies by myself, like an adult!

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