PET HEAD: A Dog Shampoo Review

*All opinions are my own. Results may vary. Not a paid endorsement. Product bought with my own money.*

It's product review time! This month I have been reviewing:

Feeling Flaky 
Strawberry Yogurt 
Dry & Sensitive Skin Shampoo

With Miss Sophie Ann as my model.

Sophie is an adult, spayed, pet quality, American Cocker Spaniel. She suffers from food and contact allergies.

I first used this product on September 1st 2014 and once a week for the next four weeks.

It had been over 5 weeks since Sophie's last hair cut and almost 3 weeks since her last bath. I found on the first use that the product smelt great coming out of the bottle.

The consistency was kind of strange, it has an almost goo/snot like texture, very thick. I had to use quite a bit of the product with that first use.

There were no instructions on the bottle on how to use so I just went with the tried and true method of getting the dog thoroughly wet. Adding a fair about of shampoo to the coat and massaging in. I then added more water to the coat and worked the product in even further. Rinse well and toweled dry.

The sent of the shampoo got lost in the sent of wet dog. It smells awesome when first applied but it does not last.

I then air forced dried and fully groomed Sophie into a 'Pet Style Cocker Cut'. Her coat was easy to dry, soft, and shiny.


  • Makes the coat soft and shiny
  • Smells good in the bottle


  • Zero instructions on how to use
  • Sent does not last
  • Hard to distribute product into coat
  • Does not dilute

Would I recommend this product?
Yes, but only to those with short/smooth coated dogs.

So my final verdict on this product is:
7 out of 10


  1. But Kayla they should get an A plus for bottle cuteness ....the little bone on the top is adorable ....just sayin!


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