I have a love/hate relationship with food.

I love all the different things you can make out of a few simple ingredients, there are so many different types, flavors, nationalities of food it's an endless source of discovery.

With that said I hate to think about what to eat next because usually, it's the same thing over and over again.

So I thought WWBD (What Would Beyonce Do)? She would say "Baby girl you can't survive like this. No, no, nooooooo." 

So, I am here to challenge my palate and my cooking ability with my new monthly series "Week of New Foods". I have a Pinterest board call FOOD! that is full of recipes I want to try and few I have tried but need to revisit and revamp.

So what's a blogger to do but take y'all along for the ride and maybe inspire some of you to get in the kitchen and make something awesome.

See you in the kitchen!

Ta for now,


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