My First Time Having......Sushi!

So for the very first time in my life I ate at a Sushi restaurant, it was called Osaka's Japanese Steakhouse. I went with my bestie and I am officially in love with sushi! I have always wanted to try sushi but never had the chance and when she suggested that we have sushi for dinner I enthusiastically said yes!

We ate at the large grill where they cook the food right in frount of you.

I ordered the 'Triple Sec' that had tuna, yellow tail and salmon in it. I was in heaven with the very first bite,

My bestie ordered the 'Cowboy Roll' that had seared steak in it.

The fried rice, noodles and veggies were delicious as well. There was so much food we each ended up taking home huge to-go boxes. Eating at the grill was a little expensive so I think the next I get to eat there I'll just have the sushi.

Have you ever tried sushi or Osaka's Grill?

Ta for now,


  1. If I had known you were into sushi I would have sent my 3 very large goldfish that died....they would have been delicious!

    1. Hmmm.....I'm not sure you're suppose to eat Goldfish ;-)

      Unless they are those cheddar crackers, those things are delicious!


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