It's Summer.

I hope everyone read the title of this blog post in the voice of Squidward from the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants.

Yes, it's Summer in my part of the world and I'm trying hard not to hate it this year. Living in the rural South makes summer more then hot; they are humid and that means you sweat. A lot.

This blog post is gonna be a ramble one because my life is a bit topsy turvy right now. Oh yeah we need to bring back "topsy turvy".

This Summer my youngest nieces have been staying with me. It's been three weeks, I want summer vacation to be over now. Don't get me wrong they are good little girls and are content most of the time but I feel the need to tell everyone out there who has ever thought about having kids to do a summer test run before you jump into baby land. Find your self some kids, preferably some you already know (don't take strangers children. That's creepy and illegal) between the ages of 6 and 11. Spend a least 7 days and nights caring for them. Then look in the mirror and ask your self: Do I really want kids? They cost A LOT of money, they are loud, ask a ton of questions and are not fans of nap time. They have their moments of adorableness and I love them to pieces but I am happy I'm only their Aunt.

My work schedule has been pretty solid as of late, even so far as I've begun to upgrade my grooming shop and I'm finally excited about it! I have been grooming for almost 10 years now and am now at a place where I am confident in my skill level, knowledge and ability to manage my life! Yay for being an actual grown up.

Mercury is in retrograde and wow have I been feeling it. Never fear though this Witch knows how to go with the flow and take the bad because with it comes the good and I am ready and accepting of the good.

So yeah got a few other blog posts in the works, going to start a new blog type thing for my dogs (you read that right), going on a mini work vacation the end of July/first of August. Doing the revamp on my grooming salon and will be blogging about it all!

Also because it's so freaking hot I'll be spending the majority of my time in maxi dresses, skirts and tight tank tops. Oh yeah!

Ta for now,


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