
Showing posts from November, 2013

Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Frost

Happy Thanksgiving! Or rather the day after as it's Friday but yesterday was spent cooking, eating and playing games with the family. It was actually are pretty darn good day for our clan. No ones feelings got hurt, we all ate everything and we had a blast playing Bunco, cards and Trivia. In our house family fun nights happened often and still to this day, we go to my Sisters house to have dinner and play games. All 10 of us sit around the table sharing a meal and talking then we have fun with a board game or cards. Not many families do this nowadays and I'm thankful that my Mom and Gran did this with us and we can teach my Sisters kids how to have fun with their family. It'll be really interesting when they have grown and have families of their own and we all come together for Thanksgiving. Black Friday is a strange thing. Do they have things like this in other countries? Probably not. Only in American can you stand in line for hours to fight over a big screen TV. I natu...

People Choice Awards and a little ranting.

First of it's Peoples Choice Awards time! If you do not know what I'm referring to I'll give you all the links at the end of the post. So this time of year the Supernatural Fandom goes CRAZY with voting for the PCA's. We won last year for Favorite SicFi TV Show and Favorite Fan following. This year the show is nominated for Best Bromance, Best SciFi TV Show and Best ScifFi Actor. I have been blowing up my Twitter and facebook with votes and I'm pretty sure some of my facebook friends think I'm crazy lol Sorry faceboook people! I just really want Supernatural to win. It's an awesome show whom does not get enough credit for what it dose, where it's been and where it's going. We love this show for a reason: It's fucking awesome. If you have never watch Supernatural you need to my friends. It's scary, sexy, funny, dramatic and heartwarming. The fandom is a little crazy but we love our show and our Boys. So check out Supernatural on the PCA'...

iPhone, Blogging Anniversary!

I got an iPhone!? What! Yes I did. I finally joined in with the rest of my generation and got myself an iPhone. I kind of made a fool of myself in the phone store as we had went in right when the opened to get an iPhone 5s/c and I was set. I had the money and the excitement until the lady who works there told me that I did not in fact, have enough money to get the new one. I was thrown for a loop. I had spent a few weeks reading up on the iPhone5 and all that went along with it. Then she tells me that all the hard work I did saving up the money and all my "learning" was for not. I just wanted to run away and hide and cry. She did say they had iPhone4s in and was eligible to get one for 1cent. Yes just a penny. I was all puffed up by then and said no I don't want it. Lets go. So I went on about my morning in a huff but at breakfast all of my gears slowed down and the rage in my head cleared and I could think. I made a few phone calls and did some more reading and with my h...

Halloween, Failure and Chocolate.

Happy Halloween! Or if you are a Wiccan/Pagan like me who celebrates the New Year Sabbat; Blessed Samhain! This year like for the past 10 years we (the family and I) went to our local downtown celebration. Vendors set up on the street to hand out candy and have fun free games kids can play. Trick-or-treating in this rural town is almost impossible to do door to door so the City came up with this Downtown thing and it's worked out pretty good. Other then there are more people then vendors so it doesn't last as long as it should. Plus it's a little redneck-i-fied. So anyway I got all Sassed up and help my Sisters kids get their Spooky gear on and we walked around for about an hour. It was all I could do not to have a panic attack with all the screaming children running amuck. I felt very much like The Sanderson Sisters but I looked freaking sass-tastic and did have some fun. I did not however get to have a full blow Samhain ritual like I wanted but still felt the Spir...