
Showing posts from August, 2013

Little Randoms

Well we lost one of the chickens today. I found him the the yard, not sure what happened to him though. Rest In Peace little chicken. I went to the movies on Thursday by my self and watched The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. It was actually pretty good and I hope they continue with the series. I may even have to read the books. Even though they are "young adult" they could be fun. A friend of mine posted something about making next month "No spend September". I kinda like that idea, not spending any money on unnecessary things. I just hope that ShirtPunch, Qwertee and RIPT don't come out with any awesome SPN t-shirts, cause you know I will have to get one if they are really worthy. I could make a list (I love a list) What I don't Need to Buy in Spend Less in September Make up  Candy Fast food/drinks Clothes/shoes/accessories Dog collars/bowls Movies Music Crafty things  So basically just stay at home and avoid big box stores and drive...

YouTube, The VMA's and More Blogging!

First off I am obsessed with YouTube! I know I'm way late to this party but I never knew how wonderful it could be. I'd watch a few things on it sure, who hasn't? But I never really got it until I changed my email address to a gmail account. At first I was just watching music videos and then dog grooming videos but then I found makeup tutorials! I started by watching hours of the pixiwoo sisters. I had no idea how fun makeup could be or that I can do fun makeup on myself but with the help of them, Lauran Curtis, Goldie Starling, Emma Pickles and many other videos I have a new found love of makeup and of YouTube. Now it has progressed to Olan Rogers <3 ASMR videos, Tyler Okley, Jim Chatman, Crabsticks, Bunny and the Swamp family and 60+ other channel subscriptions. I love it. I really do. So much so that I thought about making videos. I even filmed a few.....but quickly realized I have a face for radio. Also that I have no life. One needs a life to talk about and I do...


I finally got a pair of chickens! I have been thinking and talking about getting some for a while now but was unsure of how our outside cats would react to them. So a friend of mine who has gorgeous chickens offered me two of her young roosters. She did not need to keep these two so she gave them to me to do a trial run of sorts to make sure the cats did not have chicken for dinner. So far so good on their first day. This big guy here figured out how to get of the little back yard, lets just hope he remembers how to get back in. I believe he is a Polish. This guy here is a little more laid back and I believe he is a Frizzled Polish. I also found this spider in the backyard! Pretty and the size of my giant hand.

Summer Time, Kids and Quarter Life Crisis?

Wow time sure does fly when your having fun.....or rather when you're so busy you forget things like blogging. Summer is upon us and it's hot, that's usually what happens in the summer and surprisingly it hasn't been melt your face off hot in the South just yet. But tis only August, we still have a month for it to turn blazing. I didn't plant a garden this year....again. I had every intention but every time I thought today is the day I would start adding up in my head how much things would cost and what I would need and I would go crazy with a list and thirty minutes later I would decide lets wait for tomorrow. As the procrastinator in me took over tomorrow never came so maybe next summer. I did however get to eat some fresh veggies. Some friends and family shared their harvest with us. Kids. Most of you know my dislike of children and that my half sister has 4 kids. Well this year they all played base/soft/T ball. So I was volunteered to shuttle around kids t...