Whats in my Handbag 2015

Hey everyone!

I love handbags and I have always thought it interesting what people keep in theirs. My Gran is one of those people who have one of everything in their bag and she takes it everywhere. My Mother also keeps a ton of stuff in her bag but her's is kind of a mess lol I remember when I was younger she would change bags and then let me have her old one and it would be full of old receipts, loose change and whatnot.

When going though my bag to take pictures I realized I didn't have as much crap as I thought I did lol I guess the added help of having a smaller bag inside the big one keeps all the small bits from being lost in the bottom of the handbag.

What's in my Handbag?
I bought this Betsey Johnson bag last week from T.J. Maxx and I absolutely LOVE it. It looks small but holds a ton of stuff.

Tiggy approves of the handbag.

This is my purse/wallet/whateveryoywanttocallit. It's a black and white hounds-tooth that also keeps my check book. I bought it from Wal-Mart.

This is my Supernatural cosmetic bag. I keep lotion, hand sanitizer, lip gloss/lipstick, and other random makeup type things in it. Also ibuprofen, antacids, sinus pills, a pad. Mints and my ear buds. I bought it from Hot Topic

I also keep a book, my keys, gym card, my business card holder, my phone (not pictured. I was using it to take the pics) and more mints.

I also sometimes have snacks lol

I hope you liked this peak into my handbag.

Ta for now,


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