Guinea Pig Snack Mix | How To
Hey everyone!
I am the proud owner of three boar Cavies*. Sam, Dean and Harry.
They are such a fun and easy pet to have, yet it seams that there are a million different kinds of feed available for them. After being a Cavy owner for most of my life (since I was 8) I have found through trial and error what kind of food they like and dislike. Now there is a pre mixed feed by DuMOR that is great and would recommend to any Piggy owner. It's sold and manufactured by Tractor Supply Co.
Today's blog post is about my Guinea Pig Snack Mix.
Harry |
I like to DIY mix the treats to make sure everything is extra fresh and portion controlled.
They have Timothy/Grass hay mix provided 24/7 and get pelleted feed once daily. They also get fresh fruit and veggies throughout the week.
Now this mix is a treat by every sense of the word and is only fed once a week. It has Black Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Banana Chips, and other dried mixed fruits. They really enjoy it. I give the Brothers one scoop** to share and Harry gets half a scoop.
Dean <3 |
Do you make any treats for your pets? Let me know if you give this a try and if they like. Remember it's a treat and meant to be feed rarely.
* Cavy/Cavies is the name used by the ACBA.
**The scoop is 1/8 of a cup.
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