Coconut Oil Hair Mask

Hey y'all!

I am in love with Coconut Oil. I use it for everything, from makeup remover, to a moisturizer, and even cooking with it. It's amazing!

I have oily/combo skin and I was hesitant to use it as a hair mask thinking it would turn out to be a total mess or I wouldn't be able to wash it all out. Well after seeing how amazingly soft and full it made my eyelashes and brows.

I thought, the hell with it. I'm gonna try it.
3 day hair. Before.

Today I did just that! I took about two and a half heaping teaspoon fulls of organic Coconut Oil and put it in a microwavable safe container. Nuked it for 30 seconds and then poured it all over my head.

I was worried at first I did not have enough for all of my hair but once I kept working it in with my fingers it was just right.

I twisted my hair up into a loose knot and clipped it to my head. Then let it sit for 5 hours.

I watched a little TV, groomed my Standard Poodle, and baked some cupcakes. I would imagine you could leave it in over night if you have really damaged hair. But, it was hair washing day for me and I had a few hours to kill before taking a shower. I used a tea tree shampoo mainly on my scalp and then used conditioner on just the ends.

I towel dried and then just let it air dry.

It turned out so smooth and shiny I kept wanting to touch it. I had no excess oil build up any where and it smelled wonderful.


I will definitely be adding a Coconut Oil Hair Mask to my hair care routine. I'm thinking once a month should suffice.

Let me know if you try it and how you like it.

Ta for now,


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