Jennifer Lopez: True Love

Hey everyone! Today I wanted to do a quick book review.

I'm a fan of JLo. From her movies, to her music, to her fashion, and fragrances. She's gorgeous, she dances and is inspiring.

This book is a memoir of sort about her finding herself. She states in the very first few pages that it is not a tell all, it's not meant to be. It's about her life and the choices she's made to bring her to the woman she is today. Now. I watched her HBO special about her first world tour (it was amazing y'all should watch it) and the next day saw this book at my local library. It was almost like fate.

It's a rather quick read but it has some inspiring quotes and beautiful photos. As I was reading it I could hear Jennifer in my head, like she was right there telling me this story on how she found true love; not to boast but because she knew it could help me find my true love.

"When you give your time, your love, your respect, you deserve respect in return. You deserve comfort, you deserve honesty, and you deserve to feel safe"

Now granted I thought that it would be a mush fest when it came to the part about her children. As you may or may not know I don't have kids nor do I want kids but the way she talked about them help me understand the way I feel about my nieces and nephew.

This book is written in a way that feels very intimate...because, well it is. It's Jennifer letting us all in on the woman who lives on the other side of the movie screen.

I will be 30 really, really soon and I'm kind of freaking the fuck out. I've never had love, been in love or even close to love. So finding this book was Goddess sent. I feel like she's shown me that I'm moving in the right direction. That she may be a Star but she is also a Woman and that we can all relate to one another.

"You have to take care of yourself, your body, your mind, take care of your soul-be your own keeper."

I'm about as opposite of "Jenny from the block" as one can get but that's the power music can have. I can be just a fearless and exuberant as JLo and after getting to know her a little better though this book I can listen to her songs and really feel what she felt and feel what I felt and know it's the same.

I would recommend this to any JLo fan or anyone really who is looking for True Love.

Ta for now,


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