Fat = Death?

Hey everyone!

Guess what?


I am also a 29 year old woman obsessed with Supernatural. I do not have diabetes, I do not have high blood pressure, I do not have joint issues, and I do not have heart problems.

How many of the things I listed can you tell about me just by looking?

Two: I am fat and a woman.

There is nothing else about me you can tell from my appearance, well unless I have one of my many Supernatural T-Shirts on.

I was scrolling though facebook and a link to a blog post caught my eye. I'm not going to link to said post because everyone and their mother has read it by now but it has spurred some feelings in me that I thought should be let out on my own blog. Maybe someone out there will benefit from it.

Body positive. It's an extremely difficult thing for most people to have. You ask anyone of any size 'what do you not like about your body' and they will have a list as long as the Nile but ask them 'what do you like about your body' and it's maybe one or two things.

The whole reason behind the Fat Acceptance Movement is to help humans realize they are amazing just the way they are (insert Bruno Mars song here).

The Fat Acceptance Movement is there to promote social acceptance. I should not feel anxious about eating in public, or shopping for clothes, or just walking down the street. The FAM is here to let people be open and honest about being totally fine with the way they look and for people who are attracted to fat bodies feel normal about how they feel. The FAM is here because ALL bodies are fine, all bodies are capable of love and affection, and that all bodies are great.

Fat people are judged because SOCIETY has portrayed them as gross, unworthy beings who need to be fixed. To society and those people I would like to say; Fuck You.

Fuck you for thinking you have any say so in the way my body should look.

Fuck you for judging me on what I ware.

Fuck you for suggesting that I would feel better if I lost a little weight.

Fuck you for antiquating what I look like to what my health is.

Fuck you to the bloggers who 'just don't understand'.

We live in a beauty dominated world, that feels they are free to pass judgment on whom ever they please just because they can. This notion not only applies to fat people but anyone who does not fit into The Box. Got a funky haircut? You are judged! Got any form of body modification? You are judged! A woman who doesn't want to have children? You are judged!

The whole point of the FAM is to let people know you do not have to stand by and let people/the media dictate what you 'should' look like.

You may be reading this and nodding along but you may also be reading this and screaming at your laptop "WHAT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH! YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF BEING OBESE!"

No person, not even a medical professional, can tell the state of my well being by LOOKING at my physical form. If I have gone to a doctor who has ran the gamut of tests that says I am riddled with illness and the cure is to loose weight then by all means get moving and cut back on the sweet snacks. But nine times out of ten it's a whole list of 'maybe's' and 'might' I might also get hit by lighting and second hand smoke may kill me but loosing weight will not lessen those variables.

Fine you say, you're an adult its your choice to be fat but what about the children! The children?!?!?!

To this I say: leave the fat kids alone. You have no idea what that kid eats when he is at home. That fat kid may eat the exact same thing as the skinny kid but, because like every other human metabolizes at different rates, their food intake effects them differently. Yet no one is concerned about the 'socially preferred' shaped kid. No it's the fat ones we worry about. I could go on about how poverty and low income drastically affects the kinds of food you can buy and how school cafeterias should serve better quality foods and that they should not have soda and candy machines in the hallways.

But I'll stop here.

In short, Fat does not equal Death. Fat = Fat that is all.

You are in charge of your own happiness and no one has the right to make you feel like less of a person because of what you look like. Period.

So yeah, that's my two cents on that.

Let your freak flag fly and your fat jiggle in delight. Be you because no one else can.

Ta for now,


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