
Showing posts from September, 2014

PET HEAD: A Dog Shampoo Review

*All opinions are my own. Results may vary. Not a paid endorsement. Product bought with my own money.* It's product review time! This month I have been reviewing: I <3 PET HEAD  Feeling Flaky  Strawberry Yogurt  Dry & Sensitive Skin Shampoo With Miss Sophie Ann as my model. Sophie is an adult, spayed, pet quality, American Cocker Spaniel. She suffers from food and contact allergies. I first used this product on September 1st 2014 and once a week for the next four weeks. It had been over 5 weeks since Sophie's last hair cut and almost 3 weeks since her last bath. I found on the first use that the product smelt great coming out of the bottle. The consistency was kind of strange, it has an almost goo/snot like texture, very thick. I had to use quite a bit of the product with that first use. There were no instructions on the bottle on how to use so I just went with the tried and true method of getting the dog thoroughly wet. Add...

My First Time Having......Sushi!

So for the very first time in my life I ate at a Sushi restaurant, it was called Osaka's Japanese Steakhouse. I went with my bestie and I am officially in love with sushi! I have always wanted to try sushi but never had the chance and when she suggested that we have sushi for dinner I enthusiastically said yes! We ate at the large grill where they cook the food right in frount of you. I ordered the 'Triple Sec' that had tuna, yellow tail and salmon in it. I was in heaven with the very first bite, My bestie ordered the 'Cowboy Roll' that had seared steak in it. The fried rice, noodles and veggies were delicious as well. There was so much food we each ended up taking home huge to-go boxes. Eating at the grill was a little expensive so I think the next I get to eat there I'll just have the sushi. Have you ever tried sushi or Osaka's Grill? Ta for now, Kayla


So once upon a time there was show called "The Sing Off" hosted by 98 Degrees boy band front man, Nick Lachey. It was an a Capella singing competition way before Pitch Perfect made it cool. It was amazing to watch and the world instantly fell in love with a little group called: Pentatonix I simply adore them. I have yet to get my hands on any of their albums but I do spend copious amounts of time on YouTube watching and listening.  Also Scott and Mitch have their own YouTube channel called  SUPERFRUIT   and it's hilarious and fun. So much fun <3 So go and watch the wonderment that is PTX and laugh along with the silliness that is Superfruit. You're welcome. Ta for now, Kayla


I have a love/hate relationship with food. I love all the different things you can make out of a few simple ingredients, there are so many different types, flavors, nationalities of food it's an endless source of discovery. With that said I hate to think about what to eat next because usually, it's the same thing over and over again. So I thought WWBD (What Would Beyonce Do)? She would say  "Baby girl you can't survive like this. No, no, nooooooo."  So, I am here to challenge my palate and my cooking ability with my new monthly series "Week of New Foods". I have a Pinterest board call FOOD! that is full of recipes I want to try and few I have tried but need to revisit and revamp. So what's a blogger to do but take y'all along for the ride and maybe inspire some of you to get in the kitchen and make something awesome. See you in the kitchen! Ta for now, Kayla

August Favorites 2014

My Favorite Things In August It is finally September! All of the Autumn things are coming to the shelves and Pinterest is filled with Halloween and Fall ideas. I can not wait for the season to change. This first thing is: Physicians Formula Wonderful Brow Wand . I found this at my local Dollar Tree so I'm  not sure they even make this on the regular anymore but it's freaking awesome. I had my brows dyed when I had my hair done last time and with this product it take just a few seconds to make them look full and natural. It doesn't budge and keeps the hairs in place as well. Next is Simple Smoothing Facial Scrub . I am in love with the Simple line of face care. It has been a blessing for my problematic skin. I have been using the face wash and lotion for a couple of years now but have just recently tried the exfoliating scrub. I use it once or twice a week. Next is the Paul Mitchel TeaTree Oil : Lavender and Mint shampoo and conditioner. It has bee...

What's New Kitty Cat?

Update blog post. The kids are back in school, my window AC unit is set to a crisp 70F and I've been planning! Muahahahah!! So the first thing I wanted to address is my posting schedule. For the past month or so I have been posting once a week. I have quite a few back logged blog posts still to do but I wanted to start to branch out to posting twice a week. Eeek! I will now be posting once on Saturdays and on Tuesdays.   Next is videos! I am going to attempt to film a 'What's in My Bag' video to get me started. Then hopefully if y'all like that format I can do more of them! Third on my updates list is reviews! I love when blogs or vloggers post first impressions and product reviews. I have in mind a few dog related products that I want to do a trial/review of. I think it would be fun and informative. Yay! I'm so excited to get started on all of these. I also have a few other concepts in mind for other weekly series posts but still a few deta...