PET HEAD: A Dog Shampoo Review
*All opinions are my own. Results may vary. Not a paid endorsement. Product bought with my own money.* It's product review time! This month I have been reviewing: I <3 PET HEAD Feeling Flaky Strawberry Yogurt Dry & Sensitive Skin Shampoo With Miss Sophie Ann as my model. Sophie is an adult, spayed, pet quality, American Cocker Spaniel. She suffers from food and contact allergies. I first used this product on September 1st 2014 and once a week for the next four weeks. It had been over 5 weeks since Sophie's last hair cut and almost 3 weeks since her last bath. I found on the first use that the product smelt great coming out of the bottle. The consistency was kind of strange, it has an almost goo/snot like texture, very thick. I had to use quite a bit of the product with that first use. There were no instructions on the bottle on how to use so I just went with the tried and true method of getting the dog thoroughly wet. Add...