Weight A Minute!

It's the New Year and everywhere you look there are facebook ads, TV commercials and Pinterest posts urging you to loose weight, get in shape and get that perfect six pack.

I admit I am over weight. Not in a "I need to loose ten pounds" over weight but in a "I may qualify for gastric surgery". I've been "plus size" my entire life, I've been made fun of, laughed at and bullied because of how much I weight. Over the years I have come to see that no matter what you look like someone out there will not like you. Dita Von Teese put it beautifully when she said "You can be the sweetest peach out there yet there will always be someone who does not like peaches."

So this year I set my self up to succeed. I don't want to loose weight so more people will like me. I want to be healthy. I also want to ware cute shoes but that's a little vain so lets just stick with being healthy. So far I have lost almost 10 pounds, which is awesome. I've stopped drinking soda, I did have a pop at the movies the other day but it gave me such a headache I won't be doing that again! I've also had more energy, I feel better about my food choices and it makes me feel like I have control over my again.

Healthy. To be healthy and to be "skinny" are completely different things. I know many "skinny" women who have cholesterol issues, heart, knee and other "fat people" issues. I also know those who are "over weight" and have no health issues. Not everything is black and white when it comes to weight. It's a bit grey.

You can be Healthy at any weight and you owe it to yourself to be healthy. You don't have to go on some crazy diet to get healthy you just have to make educated choices about what food you eat and be active. Go for fresh foods instead of processed or pre-packaged. Drink teas and water instead of soda or juice/punch. Go for a walk, play with your kids, play with your pets. Just go outside and breath in the fresh air.

So if you made a resolution to "loose weight" go for it with an open mind and a positive attitude. Accept the you that you are now and vow to just make you a little better and healthier.

Stay healthy my friends.


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