Celebrities are People to.

I admit I am a "fangirl". I own every episode on DVD and have a pinterest board dedicated to them with over 300 pins and my lap top wallpaper is themed around them. I have all the feels and want all the things. But there is a fine line that many, many people cross when it comes to celebs. In my chosen fandom some people are bat shit crazy and go so far past the line they don't even see it or remember there was a line. I'm not sure what it's like in other "fandoms", as I'm fairly new this whole thing, but if they're anything like what I saw today we as a species are screwed.

When it comes to being a fan it's nothing new, screaming girls would faint at the sight of Elvis or The Beatles and couldn't wait to get their hands on the new album or see the latest movie they were in and that's not changed. What has changed it the way we interact with other fans. Before the internet age you would call up your bestie and meet to look at the teeny bopper magazine and dream of which one would you want to marry. Now though, we can constantly feed our attraction and admiration to the point that it's scary and unhealthy. To be up at 4am trolling one website to post to another website. To go so far as to stalk them at airports, on set or what have you. To become so obsessed you forget that these are real people and sometimes....most times....it's not okay.

So remember folks, actors, musicians, and athletes are humans with lives and families that the rest of the world is not invited to invade.

Keeping it just shy of crazy,

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