Half a Billion

It's the thing that is on the minds of everyone tonight, the Powerball is almost 600 million dollars. We bought tickets. People seam to want to know what others would do with that much money. I've thought about it myself many times and though is changes as I get older few things have stayed the same.

What would I do with half a billion dollars?

First, I would give some of it away; to family, friends & non profit organizations.

Then I would do all of the things I only dreamed of doing. Travel to Sweden, Australia, Ireland, Scotland. Take a road trip across the US. Have an SPN shirt for every day of the week. Get that white, hard top, automatic Jeep I've dreamed about since I was 14. Tattoos, oh the tattoos I would get.

Mostly I would share it. Take my Mother to Vermont, take my Gran to Montana, set up my sisters kids a collage fund, by them all a home. Be able to take better care of my animals, rescue a horse or two. Give our dear friends enough to make their lives better as well.

If I had half a billion dollars I would spread Joy, Kindness and Laughter in every way that I could.

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