Fat Girl Musings: Pretty Fat

Hey there beautiful creatures,

Last night I was scrolling through Instagram showing some love to all of the plus size beauties I follow and as I looked over at the soft warm glow of lamp beside me I said to myself "do it, do it now" so I did.

I follow some really amazing people on social media of all shapes and sizes and with every double click, like or thumbs up I give a silent yaaaassss bitch! I think go on with your big beautiful bad self, wear that backless dress, the crop top, them skinny jeans. Yes, yes, yes! All the while telling my own self that you will never look that good, your thighs are misshapen, your arms are too wobbley, you have that one weird roll on your side.

So last night after watching Cora do a badass boohoo clothing haul and Kristi talk about self empowerment I got up and took the pictures I have been wanting to take for months.

I didn't fret over the angle or if you could see that I haven't shaved my legs in a month or that my sweater was fifty cents from the thrift store. Out of all of the pictures I took I only deleted one and that was only because you could kinda see I was naked from the waist down.

I have been tying to do all of the things that scare me or that I thought I shouldn't or couldn't do and every time I surprise myself at how good it makes me feel. So do the things that scare you or you think you can't or shouldn't do and to paraphrase Kelly Clarkson "take a chance, make a change and breakaway."



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