Guinea Pig Snack Mix | How To
Hey everyone! Today's blog post is about my Guinea Pig Snack Mix. I am the proud owner of three boar Cavies*. Sam, Dean and Harry. Harry They are such a fun and easy pet to have, yet it seams that there are a million different kinds of feed available for them. After being a Cavy owner for most of my life (since I was 8) I have found through trial and error what kind of food they like and dislike. Now there is a pre mixed feed by DuMOR that is great and would recommend to any Piggy owner. It's sold and manufactured by Tractor Supply Co. I like to DIY mix the treats to make sure everything is extra fresh and portion controlled . They have Timothy/Grass hay mix provided 24/7 and get pelleted feed once daily. They also get fresh fruit and veggies throughout the week. Now this mix is a treat by every sense of the word and is only fed once a week . It has Black Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Banana Chips, and other dried mixed fruits. They re...