
Showing posts from March, 2015

Dog Day Out

Hey everyone! The other day I took Sophie Ann and d'Artagnan to town with us. They really enjoyed it, as did I. Sophie loves people and was so excited to get to go to Tractor Supply. d'Artagnan did really well for his first time out and about. Ta for now, Kayla

Petco Haul! #1

Hey everyone! The past weekend I went to Petco .  I love Petco, they have such a wonderful veriaty of things and you can find some really good deals. I hope you enjoy the video! Links! Isle of Dogs - Vintage or Tacky - Bunny (grav3yardgirl) - Ta for now, Kayla

Dog Breed Wish List

So 99.9% of all of my Facebook friends are dog people and there is currently two tags going around. The first is: Top Five breeds of dogs that I would like to own. image found on Google With this list you pick 5 breeds of dogs you hope to one day own. I am and will forever be a Poodle person but my love of purebred dogs extends to many. I'm lucky with my job as a groomer that I get the opportunity to spend time with many different breeds. But one day I will own one of the following Rottweiler Cane Corso Dobermann German Pincher Pomeranian My next dog will be a Rottweiler , from show lines. I have been in love with Rotties for as long as I could remember. They are amazing dogs. I really became intrigued with Cane Corso about 5 years ago while planing an online Petz game. They are a very interesting breed and extremely striking. I didn't know I wanted a Dobermann until I met one. Sure they are gorgeous but they are very Poodley in temperament and I lo...

Coconut Oil Hair Mask

Hey y'all! I am in love with Coconut Oil. I use it for everything, from makeup remover, to a moisturizer, and even cooking with it. It's amazing! I have oily/combo skin and I was hesitant to use it as a hair mask thinking it would turn out to be a total mess or I wouldn't be able to wash it all out. Well after seeing how amazingly soft and full it made my eyelashes and brows. I thought, the hell with it. I'm gonna try it. 3 day hair. Before. Today I did just that! I took about two and a half heaping teaspoon fulls of organic Coconut Oil and put it in a microwavable safe container. Nuked it for 30 seconds and then poured it all over my head. I was worried at first I did not have enough for all of my hair but once I kept working it in with my fingers it was just right. I twisted my hair up into a loose knot and clipped it to my head. Then let it sit for 5 hours. I watched a little TV, groomed my Standard Poodle, and baked some cupcakes. I would...


#DearMe I will be 29 on March 16th and thought this tag came at a perfect time. So... Dear Kayla, Right now you are fixing to turn 16. I know you've been through a lot like your mom and dad getting a divorce, your Grandpa died and your Sister is turning into a monster. You are going through some tough stuff and I'm sorry to say but its going to take a while before it gets better. You will however find yourself through 4-H, get bit by the paranormal bug and become a pretty good bowler. Things change a bit when you move to Oklahoma. You will get to meet some great and not so great people. You will find out just what your made of and what your limits are. It takes a long time, longer then you ever imagined to become the person you've always dreamed of being. But believe me, you will get there. There are three things I want you to know. 1. Don't worry so much. Everything will work out in the long run. It may suck right now but it will get better. 2. It's ...