What? Where?

So first things first: Amaryllis

Sorry but that song gets in my head every time I go into the guest bathroom of the house I have been house/dog sitting for. She has this (pictured) hanging on the wall and every damn time I hear Iggy Azalea in my head and now I'm betting you do to. You're welcome.

Second, if you haven't noticed, I've been blogging MIA for the past month or so. I just haven't been able to find the time. This summer has really been kicking my ass. Between work, a new puppy, my sisters kids and the rest of my family it's been fucking nuts. As I write this little update I am sitting in an office like room at an office like desk feeling the overwhelming need to blog my little heart out. But first, I must go see what the little hellions are doing because I can hear laughing and that means they are doing something they are not suppose to. Excuse me.

Back to the blog post!

The first day of School is only a week a way so things should get back to 'normal' soon around here. I have a whole list of ideas on what I want to blog about so stayed tuned!

Now I'm off to find out where this lady keep her matches, what kind of person doesn't have matches? (That last part was thought in the tone of Season One Sam Winchester.

Salt and Burn


  1. I can hear it in Sam's voice. LOL Soon fall will arrive and school will start and you'll have some peace.

  2. We are looking forward to future blogs as always ...

  3. Will be looking forward to your blogs as always!


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