Dear Body Project.
Hey there beautiful creatures, "Imagine a world where we loved out bodies honestly and unapologetic. Let's make that real." - Ari Fitz Today I'm doing something I honestly never thought I would do. But if the past couple of years have shown me anything it is that I am only limited by my self. Created by Ari Fitz Inspired by Meghan Tonjes Here is my Dear Body. Dear Body, My mind tells you that you are worthless and unwanted. That you are too big, too misshapen, not enough. When you were broken and hurting I tried to kill you. I'm sorry. I cover you with art so you know just how lovely you are. You are soft in all of the best ways. You are beautiful. I know I haven't always loved you but I'm learning. xoxo Kayla Instagram @itsarifitz @dearbodyproject @meghantonjes Twitter The Body Project Ari Fitz Me YouTube Ari Fitz