Fat Girl Musings - Fat Shaming in romcoms/sitcoms.
**Just a small caveat** I in no way mean to exclude other genders and sexuality's by using hetero examples and she/her he/him. Hey everyone! I am feeling very Carrie Bradshaw right now sitting on my bed with my laptop on my...can you guess? Lap! Also, because I've been binge watching Sex and The City for the past few days. I watched the SaTC movies last weekend and thought why not start the series all over again!? Fun! But... As a plus size woman I feel very......excluded when watching shows like this. Or Friends, The New Girl, and Baby Daddy. They, save for SaTC, have a main player who used to be fat. Jokes are made at their former fatness and then praised for being 'hot' in their new body. I think there is one fat joke/remark made every three episode of Sex and The City., from lines like "Fatties, need not apply" to "I wonder how fat she got?". I used to hate myself after watching this show. I would feel like utter shit because if ...