
Showing posts from January, 2016

My New Hair!

Hey everyone! So I cut all of may hair off. I didn't intend to it just sort of happened; I really like it though. I have always been one of those people who wants really long mermaid hair or a short pixie cut. I love long hair and had quite long hair for a while, I've even had short hair but nothing ever this drastic. It's an amazing thing to adjust to. I still have moments of habit where I reach up to take my hair down as it always feels like I have it pulled up. but without the head aches and soreness. Short hair Pros: Easy to wash, dry and style. Very little 'shedding'. Wake up and go. No soreness from pony tails. Cute hats! Short hair cons: Limited on styles My head is colder. Maintaining the cut. (my hair grows fast) No sassy buns, hair flips or ear tucks. Its been an adjustment but one I'm really happy with. How about y'all? Ever wanted to changed your hair in a drastic way? Let me know. Ta for now, Kayla

Happy 2016!

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a lovely holiday. 2015 had some really awesome highs and some really shitty lows but it was an important year for me and I know 2016 is going to be even better. I made a list last year of goals/intentions but I feel with this year I don't need that. What I want for 2016 is to embrace everything with and open heart and an open mind. Let me know what some of your plans for 2016 are. Ta for now, Kayla Starscream shirt - Olan Rogers Supply Sparks Wine GoPro My Twitter: My Pinterest : My Tumblr :

If I won the lottery.

So there is a thing in the US called a Lottery, many states have their own and there is a nation wide one called The PowerBall. You buy a ticket of random numbers (or you can choose your own) and then they draw little balls with number on them and if your numbers match the drawn numbers you win. Currently the PowerBall is up to 500 Million dollars. The last time it was that high was back in 2012. I made a blog post about what I would do with it if I won. Funny enough I was able to do a handful of those things already with out hitting it big! After reading my 2012 list I have to make a few adjustments to that list like, Go to The Soda Parlor in Tennessee.  Go to a Supernatural convention and do all of the things.  Visit Vancouver, Brighton, London, New York City. Pay off all of mine and my family's debt. Go to The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show,  Set up a sanctuary for old dogs and cats. If I won the lottery I would give it away; to family, friends, ...

2015 Beanboozled Challenge!

Hey everyone! So my trusty sidekick Tyler wanted to do the Beanboozled Challenge. I found the game at a local restaurant but you can also order one from Amazon. image found on google It was gross and fun. I will definitely make my other family members play! Ta for now, Kayla & Tyler