What? Where?
So first things first: Amaryllis Sorry but that song gets in my head every time I go into the guest bathroom of the house I have been house/dog sitting for. She has this (pictured) hanging on the wall and every damn time I hear Iggy Azalea in my head and now I'm betting you do to. You're welcome. Second, if you haven't noticed, I've been blogging MIA for the past month or so. I just haven't been able to find the time. This summer has really been kicking my ass. Between work, a new puppy, my sisters kids and the rest of my family it's been fucking nuts. As I write this little update I am sitting in an office like room at an office like desk feeling the overwhelming need to blog my little heart out. But first, I must go see what the little hellions are doing because I can hear laughing and that means they are doing something they are not suppose to. Excuse me. Back to the blog post! The first day of School is only a week a way so things should get back ...