Fat Girl Musings: Movie Review, I Feel Pretty

Hey there beautiful creatures, I just got back from watching I Feel Pretty with my friends Erica and Jess. I was a little hesitant to go see it because I was afraid it was going to be another Shallow Hal situation. Anyway..... We went and I was pleasantly surprised at how well it was done. It was like watching the fun house movie version of myself. I know how it feels to be surrounded by fit people while at the gym and making sure the equipment isn't going to fail on me. I know what it's like to want to be surrounded by beautiful people in hopes that their beauty will rub off onto me by association. I know why it's like to not reach for the things I want because I feel like I'm not good enough or attractive enough. But...... When she hits her head and wakes up believing that she is in fact "beautiful" she touches her body that has not actually changed and can't believe how good it looks. She sees this totally drop dead gorgeous woman and starts...