
Showing posts from April, 2014

Little bits and bobs.

Creating content is difficult. I've been trying to think of new things to try to blog about but when ever I try to be creative it ends up just being a giant mess. I did buy some Mod Podge and some crafting paper last week and gave it go. I have so far made a few keepsake boxes and a cell phone case but they are sorely lacking. I have a couple of more boxes and now that I kinda know how to use the Mod Podge stuff I'll give it another go. I also tried out a couple of recipes I found on Pinterest, One was for Chicken enchiladas and the other for a churro cake. Both were turned out well but were not quite as flavorful as I was hoping. Although my family did enjoy them; I now have two more things I can make from memory and adjust to make it more to my liking. So not a total fail there. I have been taking quite a few pictures with my "big camera" here are a few from this Sunday. I also have a couple of DIY projects planed and this year I am going to attempt ...

Social Media Letdown.

So about a month ago I stupidly clicked on a link on twitter from someone I follow. I was on my phone at the time and when the link loaded it forced me to log out of twitter. I panicked and quickly changed all of my passwords and had anxiety for weeks about it. Then news of this new virus/hacker that's come around I am so uber paranoid about something or someone getting into one of my accounts and spamming my friends and family in my name. I hate the thought of that, it's gives me the creeps. So as of about 5 minutes ago I decided to cut down on "social sharing" and have thus deleted/deactivated my twitter account and my tumblr. Two time sucks that I really did not need to be a part of. Although it was fun to see some of my favorite celbs and people posting about their daily lives and activities, the risk of someone sealing my social identity was just to much for me to bare. So just a little FYI to anyone out there who followed me on those two social media outlets...